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Paul Pintor

Managing Director
Stock Loan Exchange
Stock Loans Unlimited

In today’s fast changing environment, high U.S. inflation and slower GDP growth have contributed to stagflation worries. Across all markets, local, institutional, and international banks are pushing back on lending as interest rates soar to all-time highs. The bond markets are freezing up, and stocks are spinning into a free-fall.

To deliver the highest value in obtaining instant liquidity, my core focus is skewed towards superior financing strategies harnessing non recourse, not-title transfer stock loans with no strings attached, and no cross-collateralization covenants e.g. if the bottom falls out of the stock, simply walk away.

Streamlined efforts are targeting mitigating risk on concentrated stock positions, allowing executives to de-risk and de-leverage, transferring risk to SCG, and introducing a boutique of financing arrangements; back-to-back loans, refinancing convertible debt, roll up strategies, wrap around loans, and toxic debt bailouts.

Pintor launched his career in the oil patch in 86’ while cutting his teeth soliciting accredited investors on exploratory-wildcat drilling programs, oil rig & drilling equipment, and single-family residential real estate developments. Efforts consisted of raising capital on Reg-D 504, 505 & 506 offerings and direct participation programs.

Served as North American VP for Tokyo based private equity hedge fund assisting private and publicly listed companies across global markets on capital needs ranging from start-up, early seed-stage, debt & mezzanine financing, management buy-outs and recapitalization structures. Provided initial capital raise on reverse merger/public offerings and regulatory filing costs.

I am honored having SCG Executive Leadership at the Helm affording us the ability to provide a wide-array of high value mechanisms on leveraged equities loans. Enjoy building strong relationships with global clientele, working with c-suite, top-level executives, insiders, and investors in meeting their financial goals.