Congratulations for Investigating the Leading Leveraged Equities

Lender in the World! You are at the Right Place at the Right Time!

Instantly Know SCG Today 

SCG Has Never Failed a Borrower or Broker on Any Financial Obligation Per the Loan Agreement.

Our Payment Process is 100% Transparent.

Borrowers & Brokers ALL Receive Closing Statements Throughout the Entire Funding Process.

Both Borrower & Brokers Are Paid by Wire Transfer Simultaneously 

14+ Years of Honesty & Integrity

We Close Transactions That We Deliver Terms On 

You Will Be Paid by Wire the Day of Closing

You and Your Clients Will Always Be Treated with Respect 

Advanced Global Media & Training Center Access – Free of Charge! 

     📌 Product Training

     📌 Sales Training

     📌 Advanced Sales Tools

     📌 Marketing Training

     📌 Decamillionaire Training

We Provide You a Turn-Key Plug and Play System to Attain Fantastic Success 

We Provide You the Opportunity to Earn 7+ Figures a Year

Can you follow the training, or will you choose to be a Lone Ranger and find your own unique way to fail? 

Our Premier Referral Partner (PRP) opportunity works amazingly well for our very large team of PRP’s across the world like you, that join us in this amazing opportunity.  If you want to simply provide a contact and walk away, let our professionals conduct 100% of all aspects of the loan process and collect large closing fees for just passing over some simple contact information, that works for us.  Some PRP’s want to work full time with SCG that also works for us.  How you participate in the PRP program is fully up to you, your time you wish to allocate and your desire to earn money.  Some PRP’s devote zero time but send us transactions all the time as they cross their desk, others invest part-time, and some are full-time!  The choice is yours how you participate with SCG because the PRP program is very flexible to accommodate all the professionals across the world. 

This unique program is flexible by design but understand even a zero-time effort waiting for a transaction to cross your desk or a part-time effort from you could result in a larger than full-time earnings result for you and therefore so many want to become part of SCG even if they have little time or are 100% committed to their current profession.  Some of our most successful PRP’s are those that stay within their current profession and simply email us over a referral as it crosses their desk.  Ponder how easy it is to email over one simple contact that could result in you receiving a 7-figure origination fee!  As to when that happens for you, begin to realize now how exciting it is and even better for your bank account balance that you made the great decision to apply to become part of SCG! 

You may be wondering how can you achieve those type of earnings?  By simply referring clients contact information or rolling up your sleeves as you can elect to join us, as we sell money to wealthy individuals and corporations with our professionals!  The choice is always yours what level of participation you want.  Some of the highest paid PRP’s do nothing more then send over contact information and we are perfectly fine taking over from that point forward.  It’s the best, most lucrative business in the world and it is the oldest!  SCG is a bespoke global direct lending company, serving our HNW clients with 10+ years of honesty and integrity in Leveraged Equities Lending™ with the ability to fund loans on over 80+ major stock exchanges across the world! 

In Life

You Got To Know When To Jump!

Are You Gambling on Your Future?


Would you like to provide your clientele who own shares in a public company with risk mitigation and tax strategies that allow them to reduce high-risk exposure, access to liquidity without selling shares, diversify their investments, avoid disrupting balance sheets, and enjoy complete privacy in the transaction?

If you want to simply provide a contact and walk away, let our professionals conduct 100% of all aspects of the loan process and collect large closing fees for just passing over some simple contact information, that works for us.  Some PRP’s devote zero time but send us transactions all the time as they cross their desk. The choice is yours how you participate with SCG because the PRP program is very flexible to accommodate all the professionals across the world. 


Brokerage Firms, Commercial Real Estate Brokers, Family Offices, Financial Planners, Funds of Funds, Hedge Funds, High Ticket Providers – Art, Jets, Yachts, HNW Accounting Firms, HNW Advisors, HNW Law Firms, Immigration Specialty Firms, Investment Bankers, International Taxation Attorneys, International Real Estate Brokers, Institutional Investors, Market Makers, Merchant Banks, Mortgage Brokers, Offshore Firms, Pension Funds, Private Bankers, State and Federal Securities Attorneys, Trust Companies, Wealth Management Offices, etc.